Sophie Cerny

Sophie Cerny

Beautiful you,

have you ever wondered what your life would be like, if you really choose to be you? If you no longer judge yourself? If you didn't have to prove, justify and explain yourself in this world? When you finally come to your true strength and power? If you could trust yourself? Do you feel how much this would change everything?

My name is Sophie Cerny and I can tell you that I know this journey you are currently on very well. In the beginning, I used Access Consciousness tools just for me. That was at a point where I wasn't interested in life anymore and totally unhappy. I tried a lot and nothing seemed to work. Until a lovely friend gave me an Access Bars® session. From then on, my life finally changed the way I always required it to be.

What if a life is possible for you that you always knew was possible? What contribution can you be on earth, if you choose to be the gift, that you truly are?

Today I know that everything is possible, and it gives me incredible joy, as a worldwide certified facilitator, to empower people like you, to know what you know. I want you to come to your true strength and to realize how wonderful you are.

How would a world be like if we choose awareness, gratitude, and caring? In which we know and trust the infinite abundance and joy of the universe? How would it be, if you can be the irresistible invitation for other people to choose bigger and more for themselves and this beautiful planet?

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Wunderschönes du,

hast du dich schon jemals gefragt wie dein Leben wäre, wenn du wirklich du selbst wärst? Wenn du dich nicht mehr länger selbst bewerten würdest? Wenn du dich nicht beweisen, rechtfertigen und erklären müsstest in dieser Welt? Wenn du endlich in deine wahre Stärke und Kraft kämest? Wenn du dir selbst vertrauen könntest? Spürst du, wie sehr das alles verändern würde?

Mein Name ist Sophie Cerny und ich kann dir sagen, dass ich diese Reise, auf der du dich gerade befindest, sehr gut kenne. Anfangs habe ich die Werkzeuge von Access Consciousness nur für mich verwendet. Das war, als ich an einem Punkt war, wo ich nicht mehr am Leben interessiert und sehr unglücklich war. Ich hatte vieles probiert und nichts schien so richtig zu greifen. Bis mir eine liebe Freundin eine Access Bars® Session gab. Ab da hat sich mein Leben endlich so verändert, wie ich es mir immer gewünscht habe.

Was ist, wenn auch für dich ein Leben möglich ist, von dem du immer schon wusstest, dass es möglich ist? Welcher Beitrag kannst du auf der Erde sein, wenn du wählst, das Geschenk zu sein, das du wahrhaftig bist?

Heute weiß ich, dass alles möglich ist und es macht mir unfassbar viel Freude als weltweit zertifizierte Facilitatorin, Menschen wie dich zu ermächtigen, zu wissen, was du weißt. Ich möchte, dass du in deine wahre Stärke kommst und dass du erkennst, wie wunderbar du bist.

Wie wäre eine Welt, in der wir Bewusstsein, Dankbarkeit und Fürsorge wählen? In der wir die unendliche Fülle und Freude des Universums kennen und darauf vertrauen? Wie wäre es, wenn du die unwiderstehliche Einladung für andere Menschen sein kannst, auch größer und mehr für sich und diesen wunderschönen Planeten zu wählen?

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M a G i C a L Kids-Only Talk to the Entities 👻

What if our children grew up in a world of oneness where the spirit world is included? What if our children could grow up with the awareness that it is the most natural thing to receive entities, to clear them, to communicate with them and yes, to cooperate with them?

At the Kids-Only Talk to the Entities, children have been given all the tools to have ease with their awareness of entities from an early age. And also that they recognize and acknowledge that interacting with the spirit world is an ability and a strength and not an insanity. And that it's nothing scary, but can be fun.


Wonderful Kids-Only Foundation 🎪

Can you imagine, how your life would have been, if you only had have people around you, who would had empowered you since the day you were born? How would your life have been if no one had ever judged you?

Therefore, in Germany, summer 2021 I created the first Kids-Only Foundation class ever for over 30 children and I really wonder, what these wonderful beings will all create in the future, after this magical 4-days class.


How to create more for orphans in a township with the Access Bars®

What contribution would it be, to bring the Access Bars® and the tools of Access Consciousness to orphans in a township? 

Khayelitsha is one of the largest townships in Cape Town, South Africa with a population of almost one million. Rosalia Mashale, also called „Mama Rosie“ - the founder of „Baphumelele“, which is an orphanage for 106 children - cares for these (partly affected by HIV/AIDS) orphans in Khayelitsha. 

How would the world be like, if kids with such a background get empowered to realize that everything is possible? No matter where they grow up, no matter where they are coming from. Therefore, I created an Access Bars® class at Baphumelele, for almost 40 children between 6 and 14 years. In addition to the Access Bars® they got some really powerful tools, for a life with more ease, joy and glory.

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All of life come to me with ease, joy and glory! - Dr. Dain Heer recommends to repeat the Mantra “All of life comes to me with Ease, Joy and Glory”® 100 times. Let’s do it all together! 100 beautiful beings, from all over the world, are contributing to you, having toooooo much Ease, Joy and Glory with saying 100 times “All of life comes to me with Ease, Joy and Glory!”®. With gratitude to all the beautiful beings contributing to this video and to Gary Douglas & Dr. Dain Heer, the Founder and Co-Founder of Access Consciousness.

“How would the world be like, if you get empowered and realize that everything is possible?”

- Sophie Cerny

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